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does alimony stop after retirement

Does Alimony Stop When You Retire?

Does alimony end at retirement? It can. Florida Senate Bill 1416 abolished permanent alimony in 2023. This law also empowers payers to petition ...
Elder woman working on last will with attorney

What Are the Four Major Components of a Will

 Understanding the four key components of a will ensures the document’s clarity and legal validity. The testator’s information, declaration of intent, beneficiary designations, ...
calculating child support

How To Calculate Child Support in Florida

Figuring out how to calculate child support in Florida can be confusing. The challenge can be even more difficult when dealing with an ...
pros and cons of irrevocable trusts

What Are the Pros and Cons of Irrevocable Trusts?

Irrevocable trusts are attractive estate planning tools when you have assets to protect, but serious financial risks exist. It’s important to seek personalized ...
how long is probate in florida

How Long Does Probate Take in Florida?

How long does probate take in Florida? The answer depends on many factors unique to each case. Estate administration deals with complex issues, ...
most common child custody agreement

What Is the Most Common Child Custody Arrangement?

Finding a child custody arrangement that suits both parents and the children can be a fine balance—especially amid the complicated emotions of divorce. ...
emergency custody order in florida

How to File an Emergency Custody Order in Florida

Parents with custody disputes typically negotiate to establish a mutually acceptable parenting plan and present it to the court for approval. If parents ...
how can a mom get full custody in florida

How Can a Mother Get Full Custody in Florida?

Florida law generally prefers that both parents participate in raising children. Thus, courts will usually grant each parent time with their children. It ...
How to Avoid Alimony in Florida

How To Avoid Alimony in Florida

Learn strategies for avoiding alimony in Florida. The Law Offices of Travis R. Walker, P.A., can help you understand Florida’s alimony types and ...
moving with child after divorce

Can You Move Out of State With a Child After a Florida Divorce?

Divorce is a transformative event that reshapes the lives of the separated couple and the children. In recognition of this, Florida has child custody ...

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