Category: Divorce

Man looking at watch

How Long Does a Divorce Take in Florida?

How long a divorce takes in Florida depends on several factors, primarily whether the divorce is uncontested or contested. An uncontested divorce in ...
Creating a will

Does a Divorce Decree Override a Will in Florida?

Effect of Divorce on Estate Planning in Florida In Florida, a will can supersede a divorce decree if the will clearly shows an ...
Judge at court

Can You Get Divorce in Florida Without Going to Court?

When you and your spouse are divorcing and disagree about money or child custody, you will go to court, possibly multiple times. This ...
Filing for divorce alone

How to File for a Divorce in Florida Without Spouse

Know Your Options When Your Spouse Won’t Sign Divorce Papers In Florida, no one can force you to stay married to someone. Divorce ...
Father with child

Do You Know the Child Custody Rights in Florida?

In Florida, a custody arrangement is determined based on many factors, all of them centered on the child’s best interest. Custody law in ...
Attorneys working on alimony for family

Alimony vs. Spousal Support

There are several types of payments that one spouse can make to another either during a dissolution of marriage proceeding or after a ...
Family during covid

Child Support and Alimony Changes in Florida Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought on many changes for families across Florida. As a result, child support, visitation, and alimony may all be impacted to ...
Husband giving child alimony

What Happens If I Fail to Pay Alimony in Florida?

People pay alimony for various reasons. In the majority of cases, you pay alimony because you either agreed to pay an ex-spouse, and ...
High net worth couple going through divorce

What to Expect in a High Net Worth Divorce in Florida

Divorce settlements can be complicated, particularly for couples who have a high net worth and a number of marital assets. Determining equitable distribution ...
Married couple arguing on couch

The Differences Between Divorce and Legal Separation in Florida

As an alternative to divorce, many couples will separate, either temporarily or permanently. Many couples choose to separate rather than get a divorce ...

Your Three Steps to Moving Forward

Do You Have a Case?